
Market Research

As Anadolu Research Center, we conduct product, brand, image and market share researches. We also carry out researches that measure the shopping, price perception, consumption, savings, vacation, entertainment and sports habits of the target audience.

Main fields are pre-investment, market shares, corporate reputation, new products, and gap analysis researches.

Political Studies

Anadolu Research Center conducts political researches including election polls. In our political researches, we work with accurate measurement methods, especially on the political demands of the people. We create the necessary information for the formation of a political strategy by developing questions suitable for the education level of the target audience,. Our target groups are political parties, candidates and all kinds of directly or indirectly affected by politics.

We have the best consultants in the field of political science Main areas of political research are country agenda research, election research, politics and concepts research, research on a particular political field, identity-politics research, and local government research.

Social Studies

We conduct different studies to understand how society and different layers of society (based on age, income, generation, gender, etc.) perceive and interpret various cases and developments. In addition, we conduct qualitative research targeting stakeholders in a particular social field.

We make researches on social events, social changes, causes and consequences, the formation of social culture, demands. We find the opportunity to observe the resistances emerging against different situations developing in social life.